
Ysgol Sant Curig

Apps defnyddio - Useful Apps

Dyma rhestr o apps defnyddiol. 
Here's a list of useful apps.
  • Picollage - Creu poster / make a poster.
  • Bookcreator - Creu llyfr ac ychwanegu llais - make a book and add your voice.
  • Maths bingo - Gemau tablau ac adio/tynnu - Maths games to help with tables.
  • Draw cast - Fersiwn apple o paint - Apples version of paint.
  • Morfo booth - Creu cymeriad i siarad/ adross stori - Make a character tell a story.
  • Keynote - Yn debyg i Powerpoint - Similar to powerpoint.
  • Comic book creator - Creu comig - Create comics.
  • Puppet pals - Cyflwyno gwybodaeth trwy gymeriadau - Share information using characters.
  • Poplet - Creu mapiau meddwl - Make mind maps.