Croeso mawr i chi gyd i Flwyddyn 3!
Mae gennym dymor prysur iawn o’n blaenau y tymor hwn gyda nifer o ddigwyddiadau cyffrous a phethau diddorol i’w dysgu. Ein thema y tymor hwn yw 'Ar lan y môr'. Thema wych sydd yn rhoi cyfleoedd i ni ddysgu amrywiaeth o bethau diddorol!
Welcome to you all to Year 3!
We have a busy term ahead of us with a number of exciting events and interesting things to learn. Our theme this term is 'The Seaside'. It's a very exciting theme that gives up the opportunity to learn a variety of exciting facts!
We will continue to use all our literacy skills in the extended pieces of work on a fortnightly basis ‘Geirio Gwych’ and ‘Big Writing’ and you will have the opportunity to continue to complete the ‘Big Maths’ quiz on a weekly basis.
• Our PE sessions are on Mondays and Thursdays - please remember to bring you PE kit to every lesson.
• Homework will be set on Fridays and should be returned by Wednesdays.
I look forward to the busy, exciting and fun year ahead of us!
Gwefannau ac Apps defnyddiol y gallwch ddefnyddio adref / Useful websites and apps you could use at home:
Maths Bingo, Keynote, pic collage, word collage.
Purple mash, Primary Games