Yes - You CAN help your child even if you don't speak Welsh.
The majority (about 95%) of pupils at Ysgol Gymraeg Sant Curig, do not speak Welsh at home. These figures are a foundation for our teaching and learning. The internet allows us to provide your child with the completely Welsh language experience that we know is vital to help children pick up the language. Very soon they will be chatting easily in Welsh and switching between languages with confidence. Most will not remember being unable to understand more than one language.
It's not so easy, I'm afraid, for parents. as adults, we find it harder to pick up new languages for a number of reasons but don't panic! You can still help your child. Weekly home tasks will always be easily understood with some translation if needed. Please remember - don't sit at home and worry - we are here to help. Come in and see us or even just pick up the phone, someone will be available to answer your queries.
As well as links to web pages that provide specific practice, we have found the following very useful in general.
Llythrennedd/ Literacy
Cylchgrawn rhyngweithiol i blant CA2/ Online Magazine for KS2 Children
Gwefanau Defnyddiol Maths Useful Websites
Apps Defnyddiol/ Useful Apps
Cynllun ffoneg synthetig i'r Cyfnod Sylfaen
Synthetic phonics scheme for the Foundation Phase.