
Ysgol Sant Curig

Nol i'r Ardd Wyllt: Back to the Wild Garden and some tasty rhubarb crumble!

Cawsom gyfle eto i ymweld ar ardd wyllt! Llawer o newidiadau yno ers y tro diwethaf!Llwyddwyd i balu, peintio, clirio a potio tra yna! Diolch i Mrs M Jones am y croeso ac y crwmbel rhiwbob - ble roedd y cwstard ?!!!
We had another opportunity to visit the wild garden and saw a lot of change since our last visit!
We were able to assist with plant potting, painting, churning the beds and clearing dead wood!
Thanks to Mrs M Jones for the welcome and the tasty rhubarb crumble. Where was the custard ?!