Croeso i’r Meithrin!
Mae’n gyfnod cyffrous ym mywydau eich plant wrth iddynt ddechrau eu taith addysg ac rydym yma i helpu nhw i deimlo’n gartrefol yn Ysgol Gymraeg Sant Curig.
Siarad, gwrando, canu, cyfri, torri, neidio, rholio, gwau yw rhai o’r nifer helaeth o sgiliau y byddwn yn ffocysu ar ddatblygu yn ystod y flwyddyn.
Mi fydd dysgwyr y Meithrin yn cael cyfle i drio profiadau newydd i helpu iddynt ddatblygu eu hannibyniaeth, creadigrwydd a strategaethau datrys problem.
Plîs cyfrannwch £1 yr wythnos i fynd tuag at fyrbryd eich plentyn ac ar ddydd Gwener gwisgwch eich plentyn yn eu dillad ymarfer corff- crys gwyn a siorts/trowsus du.
Cadwch lygaid ar Teams a chofiwch i ddilyn ein cyfrif Trydar @MeithrinYSC
Welcome to the Nursery!
It is an exciting time in your child’s life as they begin their educational journey and we are here to help them settle in Ysgol Gymraeg Sant Curig.
Talking, listening, singing, counting, cutting, jumping, sowing are some of the many skills we will be focusing on during the year.
Nursery learners will be faced with new experiences that will help develop their independence, creativity and problem solving strategies.
Please contribute £1 on a weekly basis towards your child’s snack and please dress them in their P.E kit every Friday- white polar shirt and black shorts/trousers.
Keep an eye on Teams and please follow us on Twitter @MeithrinYSC.